Inclusion Center
Project idea
Real Inclusion Center
These projects are implemented on the initiative and direct participation of VEMA in Ukraine as socially oriented projects of VEMA S.A
This is an exclusive social project focused on social adaptation, correction of children with developmental disabilities (ASD – autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy). Check out the techniques below.
Real Inclusion Center Erudit was registered in September 2016 by two parents of children with special needs. In the process of preparing for the opening of this international project, the founders studied a huge number of the latest techniques and technologies in the field of correctional work with special children. During the preparation process, it was found that there were very few systems for preparing children with disabilities for inclusive environments.

The center offers
- classes aimed at the socialization of the child through
playing tricks among other children - development and educational activities
- research and training sessions
- physical development
- master classes
Children will be able together with our
specialists to improve their skills:
- self-control
- emotions and feeling
- independence
- perception and observation
- need for communication
- individual abilities
- interaction

We cooperate with:
- highly qualified speech therapists
- psychologists
- remedial teachers
- we use unique equipment
While working with us you can get the supervision and
additional research by neurofeedback equipment.