Now the company is ranked as the biggest in generated and issued
emission reduction units from various projects while working in:
Ukraine 🇺🇦 Greece 🇬🇷 Tunisia 🇹🇳 Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 Turkmenistan 🇹🇲 and via providing green financial consultations
150+ mln. t of CO2-equivalent

Consulting and Green financial Consulting
VEMA CARBON performs project market research based on the potential of joint implementation and/or approved project documentation among the most promising buyers of the GHG emission reduction units, banks etc.
Services are aimed at minimization of legal risks in the business organization and include the elements as follows.
Recommendations for contract paper work regarding purchase/sale of GHG emission reduction units etc.
Legal drawing up of the deal and “settlement” of property rights to the “commodity”.
Analysis of the emission reduction units and project market components.
Development and adjustment of contracts and other legal paperwork with the counter agent.
Development and/or agreement of financing schemes.
Analysis of possibilities available from the international banks, brokers and other financial institutions.
Include the solution of group of tasks in generation, transformation and management of energy, fuel and resources to enhance energy safety, to minimize harmful impact on environment and to increase energy efficiency without major additional expenses for the company:
Comprehensive appraisal of the production efficiency, energy distribution and consumption.
Analysis of energy efficiency enhancement potential for technological processes, taking into account the best technologies available.
Development of energy strategy, including identification of main directions, priorities and promising activities.
Appraisal of efficiency and objectivity of the actual resources accounting system.
Development of methodological approaches to solving a problem of energy intensity reduction and energy efficiency enhancement.
VEMA CARBON performs financial analysis of possible alternatives of the project financing on modernization of the enterprise facilities, considering different project implementation alternatives which enables to choose the most efficient and less risky financing option for the project. In particular, team compares financial flows of different options of project financing, based on calculation of the net present value, or other financial indices.
In general commercial consultations include:
- Financial analysis of project alternatives
- Estimation of risks and benefits of the project development and implementation
- Optimization of investment costs under the project

Project Activity
Development of the Joint Implementation project provides for the complete project cycle. The project cycle includes stages and actions relevant for the development of any project.
There are two main stages of projects: development stage and implementation stage.
- Identification of the emission source, data collection and processing
- Selection of an appropriate organizational and legal mechanism for the implementation of the project
- Elaboration of financial model
- Selection of a source of financing
- Calculation of the baseline and project line, development of a monitoring plan
- Development of an implementation plan, selection of a technical contractor
Market based mechanisms and voluntary standards
- Maintenance of validation and registration of the project
- Implementation of the project plan
- Registration of achieved emission reductions
- Monetization of achieved emission reductions

Compliance with CBAM
- Implementation of the project plan
- Implementation of the monitoring plan
- Confirmation of emission reporting requirements and standards

Environmental Product Declarations (EPD)
- Collection of information in EPD format (identification of PCR rules and calculation methodology, LCA lifecycle assessment).
- Supporting during the validation process carried out by an independent third party as well as registration and publication of EPD.

Donors’ financing
- Identification/selection of the donor program
- Technical implementation of the project
- Project implementation confirmation

Additional benefits for customers:
- Renewal/renovation of assets with adequate modern technology
- Reducing energy consumption
- Improving the quality of personnel
- Improving the quality of asset management
- Obtaining reliable operational information about the operation of the asset
- Profit increase
- Reducing the carbon footprint and greening production technology
- Compliance with environmental standards and requirements of the country where the asset is located
- Compliance or approximation to the EU standards
- Increasing the competitiveness of the client’s products in the EU markets
- Access to green capital, including international financial institutions (IFIs)
- Increasing the competitiveness of a particular asset and the related business of the customer

VEMA CARBON represents a wide range of services in the realization of projects, including trading in emission reduction units at the global carbon market platforms under the most beneficial conditions for our clients.
Trading services by VEMA CARBON include:
Full analytical assistance of projects at the global carbon market
Presentation of the project to potential buyers of carbon assets.
Evaluation and selection of carbon assets buyers.
A possibility of independent decision-making as to when and how to buy/sell ERUs.
A possibility of making deals with different financial instruments using existing global trading platforms.
Preparation and formalization of the deal with buyers of carbon assets.
Transfer of carbon units to buyers according to the conditions of the signed contracts.