Center of Psychological and Educational Assistance
These projects are implemented on the initiative and direct participation of VEMA in Ukraine as socially oriented projects of VEMA S.A
How it goes: The Concept of the Center of Psychological
and Educational Assistance to Children with Disabilities:

Scientific and research work is a basic principle: the unity of theory and practice: development of new approaches, models of assistance. Development and implementation of remedial and diagnostic techniques, cooperation with the leading scientific institutions of Ukraine and the world. Adaptation of new and effective foreign techniques.

Training of the psychologists, educators, speech therapists to work in the new activities. Refresher courses.

Training of the tutors, resident tutors, governesses to work in the families and schools.

Psychological support and education of the parents: lectures, educational seminars, psychotherapeutic group for parents, parent club.

Supervision work with the psychologists, Balint groups for teachers.
The goal is to reduce stress, overcome burnout syndrome, maintain a high professional level, share experience and help in difficult cases.

Practical work - employees are prepared under the educational programs developed in the center - and then we can achieve a unified approach, unified philosophy of work, passing of supervision practice by all branches is necessarily). Thus it is possible to achieve unified high standards.