Utilization of coal mine methane
Utilization of coal mine methane
Implementation of the Energy Efficiency Measures and Reduction of Greenhouse GasEmissions into the Atmosphere at State Enterprice “Coal Company “Krasnolimanska”
Heat and power generation
The purpose of the project is to increase production efficiency and reduce energy consumption
in coal mining. And also, extinguishing dumps by isolating hot spots and supplying oxygen to the burning
rock. Implementation of coal mine methane (CMM) extraction technology.
Details of events/modernization:
- Comprehensive modernization of coal mining equipment and technologies provided for by
the comprehensive modernization within the framework of the JI project led to an increase in
production efficiency and, as a result, a reduction in energy consumption during coal mining. - Implementation of the technology for extinguishing waste heap No. 2 at the State Enterprise
Krasnolimanska CC by isolating hot spots and supplying oxygen to the burning rock. As a result,
combustion has ceased, and the possibility of re-ignition is minimized. Implementation of effective
monitoring of dumps, a program that provides for monthly monitoring of waste heaps, as well as urgent
extinguishing measures in case of an emergency (control points for exceeding the permissible
temperature). According to conservative principles, GHG emissions from the dump burning process are
included in the emission reduction calculations in case of re-ignition during project implementation. - Implementation of coal mine methane (CMM) extraction technology.
Utilization of coal mine methane
Utilization of Coal Mine Methane at the Coal Mine named after A.F. Zasyadko
Goal of Project
The purpose of the project is to develop, in accordance with the provisions of the
Comprehensive Program, at the section of the Zasyadko mine, its own degassing project, which provides for the drilling of underground wells, the introduction of vacuum pumping stations (VPS) at three production sites: Vostochnaya, Yakovlevskaya and Grigorievskaya.
Details of events/modernization:
- Installing a PowerLink GXE250-NG Gas Engine.
- Drilling and operation 11 drilling rigs are in operation.
- Laid 42 km of degassing pipelines F 630 mm and 530 mm.
- During the implementation of the project, 10-12 km of underground degassing wells were drilled monthly
- 3 vacuum pumping stations were put into operation: two at the Vostochnaya production site, each with 6 vacuum pumps (12 in total) and one at the Yakovlevskaya production site with 9 vacuum pumps.
- Daily flow rate of captured methane – 150 m3/min.
- The development of degassing activities provided for an increase in the rate of captured methane up to 500 m3/min.
- Commissioning of one vacuum pumping station at the Grigorievskaya production site, consisting of 9 vacuum pumps with a capacity of 150 m3/min each.